Џуди Денч – Најстарата жена на насловната во историјата на магазинот Вог (ФОТО+ВИДЕО)


Актерката Џуди Денч (85) е најстарата жена во историјата на магазинот Вог која ја краси насловната страница на јунскиот број на британското издание на овој моден магазин.

Денч, која за насловната страница позираше во цветна наметка од брендот „Dolce&Gabbana“ изјави дека ниту по 60 години кариера нема намера да се пензионира.

Фотографијата е направена во нејзиниот дом пред воведувањето на мерките за изолација во Велика Британија, пишува Гардијан.

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At the beginning of March, before the world went into lockdown, @BritishVogue enjoyed an audience with one of the nation’s most beloved citizens. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to see Dame Judi Dench, the unassailable queen of stage and screen, starring on her first Vogue cover at the age of 85 – making her the oldest cover star in the history of the magazine. For the June 2020 issue, she speaks to @GilesHattersley about everything from why retirement is out of the question to her enduring love of champagne, and brings a message of hope from her own quarantine in the English countryside. Click the link in bio to read the interview and see the full story in the new issue, on newsstands and available for digital download Thursday 7 May. #JudiDench wears a trench coat by @DolceGabbana. Photographed by @Nick_Knight and styled by @KPhelan123, with hair by @SamMcKnight1, make-up by @TheValGarland, nails by @MikePocock and set design by @TomoTattle.

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„Сигурна сум дека во изолацјата се чувствувам како и сите други. Вакви, досега невидени времиња е тешко да се разберат. Позитивното во сето ова е тоа што луѓето станаа посвесни за невољите на останатите луѓе кои се целосно сами. Доколку резултатот на оваа состојба придонесе за општо добро, ќе биде ова една добра работа“, изјави актерката.

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After six decades on screen and stage, it’s safe to say Judi Dench commands public affection on an industrial scale. In the June 2020 issue, Dench invited #BritishVogue inside her Surrey home to discuss love and marriage (she’s had four proposals), her expansive repertoire of awards (including 11 BAFTAs and one Oscar), and a brief fling with rap music, delivering a message of hope at a time when we need it most. Read the full interview with @GilesHattersley at the link in bio, and see the full story in the new issue on newsstands and available for digital download Thursday 7 May. #JudiDench wears a coat by #GiorgioArmaniPrivé and dress by @_LA_Collection_. Photographed by @Nick_Knight and styled by @KPhelan123, with hair by @SamMcKnight1, make-up by @TheValGarland, nails by @MikePocock and set design by @TomoTattle.

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Џуди Денч се смета за една од најдобрите филмски и театарски актерки на сите времиња.

Кариерата ја започнала во 1957 година. Таа играше многу ликови на Шекспир во бројни театарски претстави, а Оскар освои за најдобра споредна женска улога во филмот „Shakespeare in Love”.

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The word “legend” gets thrown around a lot, but in the case of British Vogue’s June cover star, Judi Dench, it’s a more than fitting description. After thrilling audiences for six decades, what she doesn’t know about life and love isn’t worth knowing, so #BritishVogue invited some of the biggest stars on the planet to put their burning questions to Britain’s most beloved actor. Watch as #SamSmith, #Stormzy, #ReeseWitherspoon, #KateMoss, #LaverneCox and more grill the national treasure on everything from her most-used swear word to her short-lived rap career. Watch the full film at the link in bio. Featuring: #JudiDench wearing custom-made @CatherineWalkerLondon and @AnyaTaylorJoy, @CaraDelevingne, @CharlizeAfrica, @CushJumboHere, #DanielCraig, @EllaBalinska, @FrankieGoesToHayward, @KateMossAgency, @KelvHarrJr, @LaverneCox, @NaomiGScott, @OrlandoBloom, @PoppyDelevingne, @ReeseWitherspoon, @RizAhmed, @SamSmith, @IanMcKellen and #Stormzy. Directed and edited by @Kloss_Films, DoP @JaimeAckroyd and produced by @TheRealMinnieCarver, with styling by @KPhelan123, hair by @SamMcKnight1, make-up by @TheValGarland and nails by @MikePocock.

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