Реките во рамки на просекот, водостојот на Преспанско езеро за 28 сантиметри над апсолутниот минимум

epa07955915 Birds rest on rocks rising out of the water some hundred meters off the shoreline of Prespa lake, near Resen, Northern Macedonia, 24 October 2019 (issued 28 October 2019). The water level of the Prespa Lake has reportedly decreased over the last 20 years but the biggest decrease is happening these days with the water line being around 2,5 meters below the normal level. Officials of the regional Department of Environment stated that since May 2016 the level dropped by more than a meter each year. In the meantime the water level is even too low for an ecological research ship to operate in the waters to check the lake?s water quality. The general change in climate and the draining of waters from the Prespa lake ? at an altitude of 853 meters ? into the Ohrid lake at 695 meters altitude is believed to have caused the decrease of the waters level and the reduction of the lakes size. In length the lake has retracted around 300 meters and what used to be its beaches is today covered by a dense vegetation. According to the official information Prespa lake is 28.6 km long and 16.9 km wide. The total volume is 4.8 million cubic meters of water. Its biggest depth is 54m, while the average depth is 18.8 meters. The length of its shore line is said to be 100,1 kilometers. EPA-EFE/GEORGI LICOVSKI ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

 Нивоата на повеќето реки во земјава се во рамки на просекот за февруари, покажуваат денешните хидролошки мерења.

Двојно зголемени се Бабуна кај Богомила и Брегалница кај Берово, додека Дрим кај Ложани е речиси двојно намален.

Состојбата на езерата е без значителни промени. Водостојот на Преспанското за 28 сантиметри го надминува апсолутниот минимум

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