VIDEO | Prof. Dr. Spasov: The state leads the language policy, the lectureships are bridges of friendship not of division

Prof. Dr. Lyudmil Spasov / Photo: Free Press

The dispute with Bulgaria dates back to the late 19th century. From the moment when the Macedonian national thought separates, in the development of the desire to form a state and a standard Macedonian language. Then there are resistances in the Bulgarian environment, which at that time was not a real country, as it is now, said in a morning briefing the university professor, Dr. Lyudmil Spasov.

The professor adds that all this is intensified after the Second World War, ie after the attempt of Tito and Dimitrov to unite Pirin Macedonia with Vardar Macedonia. After the failure of that attempt, that "Dimitrovska" policy falls into the water.

- One of the big attacks is 1977 when they published a pamphlet that there is no Macedonian language, adds prof. Spasov.

He referred to the history of the lectureships in the former Yugoslavia when there were many more, and today much less than necessary:

- What is happening now with Bulgaria as well as the recognition of the church as a positive step and others raises the issue of opening lectorates for example in Germany. We had four there, now we do not have any. I hope that will be solved, the problem is delicate. A lecturer should be opened in Turkey, in Ankara, why one should first communicate with a state, and then at the university. We have very little in EU countries. The state leads the language policy, the lectureships are bridges of friendship, not of division, thinks prof. Spasov.

On how the state should deal with the negative attitudes and pressures from Bulgaria, Spasov summarizes:

- With a lot of work, work, affirmation of his science and personal contacts of professors from different universities and it already exists, says prof. Spasov.

Watch the whole conversation in the video:


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