VIDEO | A man runs away with a full basket from a market in Belgrade, a saleswoman chases him

Photo: Instagram / print screen

A video has surfaced on social media of a man stealing a basket full of groceries from a market in Belgrade and running away, while a saleswoman unsuccessfully tries to stop him.

The video shows how the saleswoman tries to open the car door and stop him, but he manages to break away and flees the scene.

The announcement also contained a statement from the woman who recorded the video. She claims that the middle-aged man was a regular shopper at the market.

"I managed to record so much, it's about a middle-aged man who lives in the Uchitelska neighborhood and enters the store where he usually shops every day, and now he ran out with a full basket and ran away. The workers tried to catch him, but they failed," says the woman, who asked to remain anonymous.

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