Washington: The fighting over the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is dangerous

Zaporozhye / Photo: EPA-EFE / SERGEI ILNITSKY

The spokeswoman of the White House, Karin Jean-Pierre, said today that the fighting near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is dangerous.

She added that Russian forces, which occupied the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant at the beginning of the war, should hand over "full control" of the nuclear power plant to Ukraine.

Jean-Pierre pointed out that the United States is closely monitoring the situation in Zaporozhye.

"Fortunately, radiation sensors have so far not shown any indication of increased or abnormal radiation levels," Jean-Pierre said.

She indicated that the US is aware of reports of Russian treatment of nuclear plant personnel and added: "We congratulate the Ukrainian authorities and operators for their commitment to nuclear safety under these difficult circumstances."

Russia and Ukraine accuse each other of shelling and rocketing the area where the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is located.

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