An owner of a pharmacy in Cair died after a robber took away the goods

Photo: Ambulance / illustration

A tragic event took place tonight in the Skopje neighborhood of Chair - a 40-year-old owner of a pharmacy on John F. Kennedy Street died when he came to the building, shortly after an employee told him that the pharmacy had been robbed. published TV21.

The Ministry of Interior informs that the robbery was reported by an employee of the pharmacy tonight at 20.40:XNUMX. According to her statement, a person threatened her with a knife and took away her daily turnover.

"Ten minutes later, the owner A. came to the pharmacy. С. (40), who, according to the report, got sick. "An ambulance arrived in a short time and was taken by car to the Cardiology Clinic, where a doctor pronounced him dead." say from the Ministry of Interior for TV21.

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