Sekerinska: The army ruthlessly went out to fight the fires, none of the soldiers hid and did not go to the hardest

Radmila Sekerinska
Radmila Sekerinska / Photo: MIA

For almost ten days, virtually all state capacities have been fully put into service in dealing with fires, and the Army and its members have shown that they are always and everywhere the first to respond to the request of the citizens and the state, to invest with full capacity, with all knowledge. all their equipment to save first human lives, and then to save the material goods and natural goods of the country, said today the Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska.

- All the capacities of the Army, the human potential and our aircraft were engaged and still are, for which at no moment there was practically no space for rest. Infantry units from the Operations Command, First Brigade, special forces were engaged and the members and aircraft of the Air Force WING were fully engaged. Virtually all facilities together with the logistics that have the knowledge and ability to deal with fires, Sekerinska emphasized at today's joint press conference with the commander of the Air Force WING, Colonel Stojko Pejovski and Commander of the Army Operations Command, Brigadier General Besnik Emini, dedicated to the engagement of army members in dealing with fires in the country.

Sekerinska clarified that currently 1.614 members are engaged and added that this number is constantly changing. Over 1000 members of the Army are on standby every day, and an average of between 250 and 400 soldiers a day with full equipment, machinery and aircraft were made available to civilian institutions to help. And practically this is, as he said, the largest number of human force which was involved in extinguishing fires.

- More than 80 overflights with over 650 tons of water dumped, mercilessly, without reserves, without calculations, the Army came out for its citizens and for its country, said Sekerinska and expressed gratitude to the members of the Army for their great commitment and the risks they faced, both on the ground and especially in the air.

Minister Sekerinska reminded that she visited the soldiers and officers deployed in the field in Staro Nagoricane, in the Berovo-Pehchevo region, in Prilep, Stip, adding that she talked to most of the members of the Air Force WING.

- I think everyone deserves the highest marks and praise that what he did was truly heroic. None of them asked a question, none of them hid, none of them went to the most difficult, but all were present and they were present really constantly, said Sekerinska, expressing gratitude for the assistance received from Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, Austria, Bulgaria сите and everyone else who helped.

The Minister pointed out that according to their information, there is a suspicion that the reasons for some of the reasons are human factors.

- My message today, as well as the message of the army leadership is that the Army remains vigilant and we are deployed in several locations, among other things, to prevent further escalation. We will not allow any human life to be endangered due to such irresponsible or criminal behavior, said Sekerinska.

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