Ruskovska: Oil is hard to ignite, it is possible that there were many sparks due to which the bus caught fire

Vilma Ruskovska, Public Prosecutor / Photo: Free Press

Not all expertise and analysis of the colleagues from Bulgaria are ready. Oil is really hard to ignite. But it is possible that there were many sparks, sparks, the bus hit the right, then the left and again the right bank and it is possible that there were many sparks, said the head of the Special Prosecutor's Office for Prosecution of Organized Crime and Corruption Vilma Ruskovska.

She stressed that the Prosecution has really good cooperation with its Bulgarian colleagues.

That cooperation is from before, not only now. "One of the reasons why the public prosecutor took me to Bulgaria is that I had previous good cooperation with my Bulgarian colleagues," Ruskovska said.

She stressed that it is possible that the case of the burning bus in which 45 Macedonian citizens died will continue in Macedonia:

- A pre-investigation procedure is being conducted in the Basic Public Skopje, but the causes of the accident are not being investigated, but other aspects. I'm also interested in that. 135 times that bus only this year went outside the country without a license for international transport. Let's wait until the pre-trial comes, so if there is evidence, we will take over the case, prosecutor Ruskovska is decisive.

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