New research: The main symptoms of Indian strain are headache and runny nose

Covid. / Photo: Profimedia

Headaches, sore throats and runny noses are some of the most commonly reported symptoms of the Indian coronavirus strain in the UK.BBC".

According to a study by Professor Tim Spector, the symptoms of the so-called Indian strain or delta infection are reportedly different from those caused by previous coronavirus variants, with more and more patients claiming to have lost their sense of smell and taste. they did not have a fever but experienced symptoms of a severe cold - runny nose, sore throat and headaches.

The data were collected based on a survey of samples from thousands of respondents who reported their symptoms through the application.

"We have no good news"

"We have no good news, we are seeing an exponential increase in new cases, especially in the north-west of England and Scotland. Most of them are young people aged 20 to 29 years and slightly older than 40 to 49 years. The younger population is not vaccinated or is vaccinated only with the first dose, which, of course, does not achieve adequate immunity. Mortality is slightly lower than in the British species, but what we need to pay attention to is still the so-called. "'Long coid', so the UK definitely has a problem." says the professor.

It is these non-specific symptoms that patients do not attribute to the covid-19 virus and resume their normal course of life and social habits, going to work and having fun, thinking it is a seasonal cold.

The professor appeals to the need to get a second dose of the vaccine and stay home when you notice the first symptom in terms of headache, sore throat and runny nose.

90% of the current cases in the UK are allegedly related to the delta variant of the virus, writes "BBC".

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