Macedonian poetry interpreted in a contemporary musical context will bring the event "Poetronica"

Musician Andreja Salpe and actor Oliver Mitkovski

On the big stage of the Macedonian National Theater on June 8 (Thursday), starting at 21 p.m., the event "Poetronica" will be held, a project that represents more than an hour long musical-stage electronic act, that is, a live performance, and will be performed by its creators, actor Oliver Mitkovski and musician Andreja Salpe as a result of their dedication and months of experimentation.

In addition to the specificity that it is a specific Macedonian poetic creation, covering chronologically all generations of poets, "Poetronica" differs from all previous similar attempts in the very approach to the narrative and tries to avoid stereotypes about how it is interpreted and what musical form fits of a poetic expression.

The performance brings a deeply intimate and emotional symbiosis of electronics, ambience, jazz elements and dramatic narration devoid of banality and pathos.

The project is also a kind of testimony for the continuity and consistency of Macedonian poetic creativity, especially at a time when the Macedonian language, identity and the right to cultural self-identification are being questioned.

(The text was published in "Cultural Press" number 181, in the printed edition of the newspaper "Sloboden Pechat" on 2-4.6.2023)

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