They played computer games in a flooded internet cafe

Monsoon rains and strong winds in the Philippines have caused major problems. Nearly 25 people have been forced to flee their homes due to floods and landslides, but young people do not seem to mind.

Namely, despite the flood that hit the club where they played, they continued to sit and play video games. The water slowly began to rise and reach their chairs, and they sat and played even though the appliances were plugged in.

Before the catastrophe happened, the owner of the cafe tried to evict them, but the company decided to end the started online party at any cost.

- When the water started to come, we lifted everything that was connected to the electricity on the walls. "I begged them to stop playing and go home, but they did it after they finished the game they were playing in the digital world," said the owner, who confirmed that no children were injured.

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