Autopsy of an "active boycott"

Sasho Ordanoski
Sasho Ordanoski / Photo: "Free Press", Dragan Mitreski

And again in the opposition everything revolves around the career of Professor Mickoski! His only clear policy is to insist on early elections, but the public still does not know whether he, himself, will come out (and where) as a candidate on the ballots, or even whether he intends, eventually, to be the next Macedonian Prime Minister?

The opposition "active parliamentary boycott" has just begun, and it is time for an autopsy on that latest attempt to overthrow the government. Why? Because that way the government will not be overthrown. And it seems desperate and, possibly, will do additional damage to the already low rating of the opposition. Who is only slightly higher than the one in power.

That is the elementary question for the opposition: why does its rating not increase significantly at all, even according to their "measuring stations", after all the persistent attempts after losing the last parliamentary elections to overthrow the government?

Since winning the local elections, with a depressingly low level of votes won, VMRO-DPMNE has been spending that modest election credit with a barking "barking" along the road while the caravan leaves. Their problem is not how many voters do not want power; SDSM and DUI successfully take care of that. Their problem is why the disappointed with the government do not find an alternative in the opposition? Why do they consider it useless, inauthentic, worn out, in already seen editions - like this one with the boycott of the Parliament, which will now be "upgraded and expanded" - for which the large critical and apathetic electorate of "five money" does not give?

For the biggest problems in the perceptions and reality of this society - European integration, corruption, growing poverty, energy crisis, prolonged partisanship of the state apparatus and the like - the opposition does not have its own policy that can be remembered and recognized. There are a hundred party announcements, press conferences, daily statements and more media interviews a month, probably double the average of all the past thirty years of democracy, but no one can list five specific ideas of the opposition how to solve those problems. The government is pursuing a reform "business-es-southern" with pale results; the opposition as well.

Therefore, in fact, this parliamentary boycott is more like a boring and unoriginal excuse - "here, we are doing something!" - for the lack of policies on all current topics that preoccupy the everyday life of citizens. I guess the next "active level" is to block the key intersections in Skopje… E with five or six cars for days, even that would be something new and unseen! And it will certainly encourage hundreds of thousands of voters to bow to the demands of the opposition.

Meanwhile, the routine "caravan" of the government "records" the untying of another decade-long historical knot, the one with the status of MOC-OA, because, without a doubt, as complicated as the church is, so is the civil, political-diplomatic success - and even if nothing happens in the foreseeable future with the European integration "corruption" with Bulgaria, this mandate of SDSM, DUI and other smaller coalition partners in power enters directly into the annals of the centuries-old Macedonian multiethnic and multicultural history. If this is not a "strengthening of national identity" - the favorite opposition jerk all these years - then I do not know what… The Casino Law is? Coal excavation in REK Bitola? Public transport in Skopje? Wages in education? Any new corruption scandal? Or the current rise in inflation, perhaps? Not that they do not lose or win elections on these topics, but their durability is like last year's snow. For them, the expert and non-governmental community in Macedonia certainly have more coherent views than those of the opposition.

The "last year's snow" also resembles the opposition (self) praise for one hundred days of local government. Two hundred days have passed since their management of most of the municipalities and if there is no controversy with the mayor of Skopje, nothing particularly important will be reported from that sub-national sector of state management. VMRO-DPMNE, as SDSM did, does not use the civic, non-partisan part of the local self-government to promote initiatives, projects and a different way of working and municipal decision-making that would not have the party logic and interests behind it. Six months is enough time to see a possible new approach to governance at the local level that could signal new policies for the national election contest. Thin work. Well, one Timcho Mucunski can not be the only local "swallow" this opposition spring!

And again in the opposition everything revolves around the career of Professor Mickoski! His only clear policy is to insist on early elections, but the public still does not know whether he himself will run (and where) as a candidate on the ballots, or even whether he intends, eventually, to be the next Macedonian Prime Minister? And this year he will be at the helm of VMRO-DPMNE for five years after he replaced Gruevski and still acts as the party's chief spokesman. Naturally, his personal rating has not moved from a single-digit percentage, even after the departure of his arch-opponent Zaev in political retirement. The problem is that Mickoski is racing with himself, and not with Kovacevski, in public support. And in that race he is desperately bad.

This is how this political spring in Macedonia looks like from the perspective of the Macedonian opposition. Bombastic-depressive. The autopsy shows that the patient is clinically dead, except that no one has the courage to tell the party family.

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