Anastasia Davydova, the general secretary of the Russian Olympic Committee, fled the country


The five-time Olympic champion has informed staff at her base in Moscow (the synchronized swimming organisation) that she has no plans to return to Russia

Anastasia Davydova, the general secretary of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and five-time Olympic gold medalist, has fled the country, state media reports. This news appeared on the website "insidegames".

Davydova's departure from Russia comes in the wake of the partial mobilization of military reservists to fight in the war in Ukraine and the Ministry of Sports ordered national governing bodies to suspend training camps abroad.

Davydova informed staff at her base in Moscow (the synchronized swimming organization) that she had no plans to return to Russia. The head coach of synchronized swimming of Russia said that Davydova left the country.

Davidova became the general secretary of ROK, after a distinguished career as an athlete.

Davydova's five Olympic gold medals, won in Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and London 2012, is the second best result in the sport of all time by a Russian woman.

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