Во Австрија зголемена невработеноста, околу 300.000 луѓе со скратено работно време

epa08320586 Thomas Smith (L), husband of Susanne Hassler-Smith, reacts during dinner in their shared flat in Vienna, Austria, 20 March 2020 (issued 25 March 2020). Susanne Hassler-Smith, 30-year-old Austrian freelance photographer and videographer from Graz, Styria, married Thomas Smith, 34-year-old American video editor and stock trader, on 20 February 2020 in Graz, Austria. Soon after, they had to cancel their honeymoon in Venice, Italy, as the spread of the Covid-19 disease had broken out in Europe. While in the midst of moving Susanne's home from Graz to Vienna in February, they finished settling in a shared flat in Vienna a week before Covid-19 matters worsened. Susanne will apply for a Green Card, Thomas' scheduled flight back to Los Angeles was cancelled, as were many other international flights worldwide due to the global coronavirus outbreak. Susanne and Thomas begun applying for VISA extensions for his stay in the European Union to overcome the crises together. Now, they are a part of a shared flat in Vienna, together with roommates from France and Germany, whom the couple didn't know before. 'With everything as it is at the moment, we don't plan too far ahead and take each day as it comes,' Susanne says. 'We stick to the home office lifestyle and social distancing measures as instructed to help flatten the curve of this epidemic.' They keep the daily routine as normal for everyone as possible. Coffee, work, lunch, workout, dinner and from time to time they meet for a coffee in the kitchen or on the balcony on sunny days. Austrian Chancellor Kurz had announced extended restrictions concerning the movement of individuals, the closure of commercial activities and other extensions of the preventive measures aimed at slowing down the pandemic COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, from 16 March 2020 on until at least Easter Monday, 13 April 2020. EPA-EFE/SUSANNE HASSLER-SMITH ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

Кризата како резултат на коронавирусот продолжува силно да го погодува пазарот на труд во Австрија, пренесуваат австриските медиуми.

Според Министерството за труд, во споредба со октомври, во ноември има зголемување од 33.447 нови невработени.

Во исто време, бројот на слободни работни места опадна, во споредба со претходниот месец, за повеќе од 6.000 – на 58.243.

Исто така, голем број лица се пријавено на скратено работно време, 276.370.

За само една недела, бројот на пријавени лица за работа со скратено работно време се зголеми за околу 57.000.

Службата за вработување (АМС) апелираше до работодавачите да ги користат мерките за помош на австриската Влада и да не ги отпуштаат своите вработени.


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