Таа е најзгодната баба со тело на 20 – годишна девојка! Може да погодите колку години има? (ФОТО)

Фото: Инстаграм

Не постојат многу баби што може да се пофалат со совршен изглед на нивното тело, какво што има Александра Лабастида Шапиро.

Речиси никој не може да погоди колку години има таа. Најчесто мислат дека е врсничка со нејзината 32 годишна ќерка.

Тоа не е се. Таа е мајка на три деца и баба на четири внуци и поради тоа го носи епитетот за најсекси баба на социјалните мрежи.


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Above all, learn how to breathe correctly – Joseph Pilates. The hundred, one of the Mat breathing exercises like Spine stretch forward, Saw and mermaid ??‍♀️. Breathing is one of the Pilates principles. Breathing is important for two reasons: 1 it supplies our bodies and its various organs with oxygen, which is vital for our survival. In fact, through our breathing we provide oxygen to our body which can not be stored and must be replenished continuously and steadily, so it is important to know how to breathe properly. In addition, it’s the oxygen that allows the brain to work and if the oxygen is scarce the blood must flow faster. 2 With our breathing, we also get rid of waste products and toxins from the body. Through our breathing, we bring not only oxygen to our body but also excrete toxic substances that we have created and with bad breathing these can easily stagnate in our bodies and damage our vital functions. Unfortunately, most of us use only a third of the actual breathing capacity and, therefore, we can not breathe well. Our breathing is also the link between our body and our mind and for both to function well, they need oxygen. By learning how to breathe well we will become healthier and stronger, but not only: Knowing how to breathe also help us to control our emotions (anger included) and fears and keep a clear and sharp mind. If our breathing is deep, slow and regular then our mind will reach a state of tranquillity and calm. Photo by @pepechicago #fitmom #fitgrandma #fitat55 #pilates #yoga #personaltrainer #pilatesmasterinstructor #carbon38ambassador #youareasoul #yourbodyisyourtemple #loveyourlife #bethechange #breathingexercises #breathing #hundred

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Педесет и петгодишната Александра живее во Чикаго и од 2000 година работи како инструктор по пилатес.

Таа има фигура на која може да и подзавидат многу дваесетгодишни девојки. Нејзиниот изглед е благодарение на здравата исхрана, суровите производи, но и редовната физичка активност.

На атлетика е „навлечена“ уште од детството, а татко и бил првиот кој и ги отворил вратите во фитнесот.


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In less than 2 months I’ll be 55 years old. I’m a mother of 3 adults and grandma of 4 grandchildren. This photo is not from last year, 5, 10 or 30 years ago. This photo is from last weekend. Yesterday I was talking with a person about the benefits of combining training, Pilates and balance in life. She told me : “I wish I could have good genes like you!”. Good genes? My genes have nothing have to do with my hard work finding balance for years! My genes give me my height (I’m 5’10”), the color of my hair, skin, eyes and probably propensity to certain diseases. Also certain skills. But for sure your health is your own responsibility and that is the result of a healthy balanced lifestyle. 90% of your diseases are due to your lifestyle and any disease that you inherit can be decreased by your every day habits. Balance in exercise and active and passive recovery (check my last post talking about recovery), healthy eating habits and positive mindset are every day work and have nothing to do with your genetic makeup. In olden times, the classical Greeks believed that disease was a result of the transgression or infraction of the natural, physical, moral or social norms, i.e., disease was the result from living in a defective way. Unless disease was the innate result of negligent parents or caused by an accident, it was considered to be the result of personal negligence, bad living habits, or bad hygienic habits. Thus disease could be prevented by correcting these bad habits and correcting everyday behavior to the natural norm. The cause of the disease was the patient’s fault, and it was his or her responsibility to live in the natural norm if he or she wanted to be healthy. Those who didn’t exercise, ration work, eat in a healthy way, or drank too much wine, didn’t sleep enough or lived a promiscuous life with bad hygiene, were the real causes of disease and good health was the result of living a virtuous and well-organized life. Take care of your health today, tomorrow may be too late. #youarewhatyoueat #healthylifestyle #pilates #pilatesbody #yoga #yourbodyisyourtemple #masterinstructor #personaltrainer #youareasoul #fitat54 #fitgrandma #fitmom

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– Татко ми ме внесе во светот на фитнесот уште кога бев девојче. Во нашата куќа никогаш не се користеа лекови, така да од мали нозе бев свесна за важноста на здравите навики и животот кој треба да биде во склад со природата.


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