Од бескуќник до милионер


Кога ќе го видите овој човек никогаш не би помислиле дека некогаш бил бескуќник. Станува збор за човекот по име Калил Рафити, кој денес има 46 години. Сега е богат и ужива во милионите, ама не било отсекогаш така.

Пред 13 години, овој човек бил зависен од дрога и бездомник. Тогаш му помогнал еден пријател кој го убедил да започне бизнис со природни сокови. Калил почнал да продава природни сокови, а наскоро го проширил бизнисот.

Прво правел сокови во центарот за рехабилитација каде што престојувал, а подоцна ја основал компанијата „Sunlife organics“.

Набрзо сите дознале за него, а толку станал баран што отворил ланец на барови. Вработените велат дека добро ги третира и дека се задоволни.

Калил тврди дека никогаш нема да заборави каде бил и кој му помогнал да се издигне.

Многу познати личности ги посетуваат неговите барови, а меѓу нив и Ентони Кидис од „Ред хот чили пеперс“ и Арнолд Шварценегер.

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My biggest fear about getting sober 16 years ago was that my life would be boring. Keep in mind I was broke, homeless, and on probation with serious time hanging over my head and yet my biggest concern was I wasn’t gonna have fun anymore without drugs or alcohol! Self limiting beliefs ran my entire life for decades. I kept repeating the same sad little story over and over again inside my head. “I’m not good enough, other people have it made, I’m never gonna be successful, if only I was smarter, if only I were taller, if only I were better looking, I am unlovable, I am stupid, other people are lucky and I am not!” etc etc etc. Then one day in the midst of my newfound sobriety about six months in my friend Robbie asked me over and over again “who would you be if you dropped your story?” He was relentless And constantly jumped on me when I started complaining about my life and/or glamorizing my drug usage. He kept interrupting my repetitive thought patterns that after 30 years were locked securely on auto play in a loop. One day it broke and I cried for hours. I came to the realization that I was truly responsible for everything going on in my life good or bad. That I was the author of this book that I called Life. And the truth was that I was a shitty author writing a shitty story that was going to end really really badly. From that day forward I made a pact with myself and with God that I was going to start writing a good story, a great one in fact. One that is filled with wonderment and joy, prosperity and abundance, happiness and deep meaning! What does this have to do with gorgeous girls on a beautiful yacht in the south of France? Very little but I love this pic and the irony of my unfounded fears 16 years ago. But more importantly I am no longer a detriment to society and a burden and embarrassment to my family. I can give now and help others and serve my community. I have a wonderful relationship with God who is always with me and loves me unconditionally. And i thank God for my sobriety and Robbie and his beautiful message that changed my life forever for the better!!!♥️

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Don’t ever tell yourself that you can’t change or that you can’t do something. Don’t ever allow the self-defeating voice inside your head to convince you that you are less than that you don’t have what it takes. Do not compare yourself to others Or let your ego tell you that other people are just lucky or came from money or are smarter than you and that’s why they have good lives. Do not ever doubt the Almighty Grace of a living loving God. I laugh when people ask me if I believe in God or I believe in miracles. There are two types of people on this planet. People that talk about things and people that do things. Who do you want to be and what do you want to do? If an idiot like me seemingly born to lose with no talent and no skill and no education can succeed then anyone can. YOU CAN DO AND BE WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!

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