Морале да ја разбудат познатата манекенка додека и правеле операција на мозокот! (ФОТО)

Фото: Инстаграм

Откако имала напад минатата година, откриено е дека моделот со австралиско потекло, Емили Сирс, во мозокот има ненормална поврзаност на крвните садови.

Прво се обидела состојбата да ја контролира со медикаментозна терапија, но откако продолжиле нападите, ѝ била закажана операција.

Поради пандемијата на коронавирусот операцијата морала да се одложи, па Емили конечно беше оперирана минатата недела.


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This picture has nothing to do with this caption- but because of the dumb IG algorithm, any post I make without a pic of me hardly reaches anyone ? . Because I live in America, witnessing everything unfold this past week has been awe inspiring, for both negative and positive reasons. While this problem has always existed here in America, because I am not American I want to make sure that I acknowledge that the brutal history and presence of racism is far from exclusively American. . It’s been frustrating and eye opening to see many Australians spectate on what’s happening here with judgment; thinking that they are removed from the problem, as if it’s not present in Australia. As we’ve seen so many countries joining in the protests, if we weren’t aware already – it’s easy to see now, the global disease of racism that infects the entire world. . In Australia, in 1987, there was a national investigation into police brutality and Aboriginal deaths in custody, as the number was averaging 1 per 11 days. The royal commission ended in 1991. In the 3 decades since then, over 430+ indigenous Australians have died in the custody of law enforcement. There has not been a single conviction of any officer, ever, in these deaths. . Aboriginals are 26% more likely to be incarcerated in juvenile detention . Aboriginals make up 3% of the population and 30% of the prison population. White Australia needs to stop turning a blind eye to our own racist system and brutal, sadistic racist history. The cognitive dissonance in only acknowledging racism in America is likely in part because of consuming (and appropriating) Black American popular culture. . In response to USA: fuckwit PM Scott Morrison said : As upsetting and terrible that the murder that took place–and it is shocking, that also just made me cringe–I just think to myself how wonderful a country is Australia,” There’s no need to import things happening in other countries here to Australia,” “Australia is not the United States” AUSTRALIA BEGAN AS A FUCKING GENOCIDAL PENAL COLONY . Black lives matter All of us on Earth who benefit from white privilege must dissect and dismantle it in ourselves and our systems worldwide.

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Операцијата била тешка и траела дури 5 часа, а бидејќи крвните садови се наоѓале веднаш до центарот за говор, лекарите ја разбудиле Сирс од анестезијата за да зборува додека ја отстрануваат масата – за да се осигурат дека нема да го оштетат.

Операцијата завршила успешно, а моделот сега полека закрепнува во болницата.

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