Why do all tourists talk about coffee from Greece? The secret of the island of centenarians revealed!

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Greek coffee from the island of Ikaria is the most famous drink among residents and tourists. Why is that so special?

Coffee is a drink that for many is an integral part of the morning. Scientists from the Medical University of Athens discovered that drinking coffee can not only stimulate action, but also have a beneficial effect on our health and lifespan. The secret is in the specific type of coffee and the way it is prepared.

The inhabitants of the Greek island Ikaria are known for their longevity, i.e. n. the island of centenarians - every third of them also lives above 90 years. Scientists decided to investigate the impact of daily consumption of traditional Greek coffee on their health. 142 people who lived on the island of Ikaria all their lives participated in the research. It turned out that even 87 percent they traditionally drank from them every day coffee brewed in the Greek way.

Photo: Matías Callone / Flickr

The research, which was published in the journal "Vascular Medicine" (Vascular Medicine), showed that regular coffee consumption has a positive effect on the function of the endothelium – the structure responsible for the coagulation system and the permeability of the vascular walls. In addition, Greek coffee is rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. It also contains chlorogenic acid and diterpenes, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

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How to prepare Greek coffee?

It all starts with a special pot (jezeve) for coffee – made by copper. This gives coffee its 'killer' properties. the bacteria, viruses and fungi. Pour ground honey into the pot Greek coffee и sugar or honey. Every time 60 ml of water add after a teaspoon of coffee and sweeten to your taste. Then cook on low heat until a thick foam forms on the surface. This means that coffee is ready. Some people leave the pot on the fire longer, which reduces the amount of liquid and makes it the coffee stronger. Others add milk to it or drink it cold.

Does this mean that drinking coffee every day could be the secret to longevity? Scientists from the Medical University of Athens emphasize that drinking coffee in moderation has many health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Photo: Javaturtle / Flickr

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