Zakharova with an ironic message to Rutte: Start learning Russian, immediately

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte's statement that if the Alliance does not increase defense spending, Europeans will soon have to learn Russian or move to New Zealand is nationalistic, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. In addition, she advised citizens of EU and NATO countries to immediately start learning Russian.

"This hurts me. I wonder if New Zealand is offended by being treated with contempt? I'm not even sure what is more disgusting in Rutte's statement, the lie about some kind of Russian expansion or the nationalism. And not only in relation to us, but also to New Zealand," Zakharova emphasized.

She said that Rutte should talk about the fact that Europeans are already under external control and reminded that there are American bases and American nuclear weapons in Europe that Europeans themselves do not have access to and have no control over at all.

"There are also American orders, whose gas needs to be purchased and which civilian infrastructure projects need to be destroyed." "The European Union has been working as the United States dictates for a long time," this is how the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson assessed the current situation in the EU.

She ironically advised citizens of EU and NATO countries to immediately start learning Russian.

-You can do it for free or from a percentage of your countries' GDP, as you wish. "It's a beautiful language!", concluded Zakharova.

The diplomat recalled that Russian is one of the official languages ​​of the United Nations and that works that are an integral part of world art classics have been written in it.

"I don't see why the Russian language shouldn't be learned," Zakharova concluded, according to Politika..

Previously, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte warned European Union countries that in a few years they will have to learn Russian or go to New Zealand if they do not allocate significantly more money for military needs than the current two percent of GDP.

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