There is a tragic story behind the big hit of "Dirty Theater"

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The biggest hits on the ex-Yu scene are heard to this day. Urban legends about the origins of some of the greatest rock songs are passed down from generation to generation, and many wonder if the authors really experienced what they wrote about in their songs?

The biggest hit of "Dirty Theater" - "Where did you drown last night", was released in the early 90's. The story has been circulating for years that the band's frontman, Jasenko Houra, wrote the song when he returned from the army..

Namely, Before joining the army, he had a girlfriend who promised to wait for him until he had completed his two-year military service..

When he returned from the army, Houra immediately had a gig scheduled with his band at a wedding party. To soon realize that it was the wedding of his girlfriend, who obviously did not fulfill his love promise...

Rumors began circulating at the time that the girl had taken her own life after the wedding, but Houra never spoke publicly about these stories.

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