For Mickoski Prespa is a reality, the Good Neighbor Agreement has already been renegotiated with the "French proposal", but a proposal with Macedonian demands could have been added
Commenting on the statement of the American ambassador Angela Ageler, who said in an interview with Radio Free Europe that there are no renegotiations either for Prespa or with Bulgaria for the EU and that those agreements have already been made and there is no renegotiation for progress towards the EU, today Prime Minister Mickoski with position that the Prespa Agreement is a reality and part of the country's constitutional and legal order, and the Good Neighbor Agreement has already been renegotiated, with the addition of the so-called "French proposal", from which the constitutional amendments derive, which is why, as he said, he sees no reason why some other proposal should not be added to it, which will cover the demands of the Macedonian people.
- As far as Prespa is concerned, we have already stated our position many years ago, and that is that this agreement is a reality and is part of the constitutional and legal order of Macedonia as a country, and here no one should have any dilemma, and what refers to the constitutional amendments, which are part of the so-called French proposal, which is an addition to the Good Neighbor Agreement, i.e. a renegotiation of the Good Neighbor Agreement, and in relation to that you know our position that we do not negotiate dictates and ultimatums, so if the Good Neighbor Agreement can be renegotiated and added the so-called "French proposal" I see no reason why not to add a French proposal plus or some other proposal, which will cover the demands of the Macedonian people, of the Macedonians in Bulgaria, said Mickoski, answering journalist's questions at the laying of the foundation stone of a new kindergarten in Boutel.
Mickoski stressed that they cannot lead a policy of double standards and that if a change to the Constitution is required for several hundred of our fellow citizens, who declare themselves as Bulgarians, then the rights of the Macedonians in Bulgaria should also be taken into account.
- We cannot lead a policy of double standards, if we demand a change in the Constitution in Macedonia for several hundred of our fellow citizens, who say they are part of the Bulgarian community, then we should see what happens to those citizens in our eastern neighbor, who they say they are part of the Macedonian community. We should ask ourselves why they want to be part of the Macedonian Constitution, whether someone's human rights are threatened. If so, then we should see in Europe, which institution is responsible for making a decision, whose human rights are violated or not. It is the European Court of Human Rights, and if you look at the situation today, or to put it in a sporting way, the scoreboard, you will see a score of 14:0, that is, you have 14 judgments for the Macedonian community in Bulgaria, whose rights are either limited or violated, and zero for the Bulgarian community in Bulgaria. Macedonia. So we have to have a policy, which is not based on double standards. Such a policy is being pursued by this new government, led by VMRO-DPMNE, and as long as I am the president, I have no intention of pursuing a policy of double standards, Mickoski said.
He characterized as strange the statements coming from official Sofia, especially from President Radev, who, as he said, makes statements that are more suited to the Middle Ages than to the 21st century.
- The man politician, who in the 21st century calls himself a European politician, and on a big stage abolishes the human rights of a community, which in the middle of the last century was part of the census list of our eastern neighbor, the Macedonian community, says that we have been against the Bulgarian community. Nobody is against the Bulgarian community, we respect those several hundred of our fellow citizens, who say they are part of the Bulgarian community, but we ask the president of Bulgaria to respect the minority and human rights of the Macedonian community, said Mickoski.
Ageler indicated in the interview that the acceptance of the Prespa Agreement and the change of the new constitutional name was extremely difficult for many people in this country, but also that it was a historic act that helped North Macedonia enter NATO and progress towards EU membership.
-To be very clear, the Prespa Agreement was absolutely historic for the country. I know it was extremely difficult for many people in the country to accept the name change. But it was an international agreement, with which the then government and many in the international community agreed. We were certainly part of that process and we applauded. It is something that has helped North Macedonia, now to enter NATO, and has received many opportunities to advance in the European Union. We were very pleased that the new prime minister and his ministers said "Northern" in the oath. It is of key importance and is a fundamental part of the Agreement. We will now very carefully monitor how it is respected. But as I already said and we said that by respecting the Prespa Agreement, which is key, and of course there is a way, and the priority for us in Skopje, at the American Embassy and for Washington, is to move on to many of those very important priorities for who should speak this country. I feel there is a certain amount of distraction and point-scoring from who said what and when. But it is important to respect the international agreements, which the prime minister said he would do, and to move forward and have the very important talks, said Ageler.