Worth: DUI non grata 20 years in power with 1% morality and 100% corruption
The ruling "Vredi" reacts that DUI, the party that behaved like a private company for 20 years, seems to have started attacking everyone except its "ideological twin, the Left", out of fear that the people have finally understood its game.
"DUI's statements have turned into pale daily articles about a party that once had ideas, but today has only crime. With 1% morality, you become 100% corrupt. DUI should not talk about support from the people when it itself created the illusion of power through blackmail, corruption and intimidation. The local elections will be the end of this DUI leadership. With 1% transparency, you become 100% mafia! DUI talks about the courts? But who made the judges party servants? Their ministers, together with Sasho Mijalkov, were on the commission for appointing judges. Who invented the tenders? Who captured the state from politicians with fat bank accounts in Dubai and Monaco? With 1% shame, you become 100% authoritarian," say people from "Vredi".
Does DUI claim to defend the Ohrid Agreement? Didn't they politicize the administration, employ party soldiers, and leave qualified people unemployed and forced to emigrate - asks Vredi.
"With 1% truth, you become 100% manipulative! DUI talks about the "official status of the Albanian language"? They themselves accepted it as a language spoken by an imaginary percentage of people. DUI uses the Albanian language only for propaganda, while teachers work without funds, students do not have books, and young people leave the country en masse. With 1% democracy, you become 100% dictator! DUI talks about "values", while the people watch as they build casinos, destroy honest businesses and turn the country into an oasis of crime. While traveling in luxury cars, people count denars to survive. With 1% vision, you become 100% incompetent", react the ruling "Vredi".