Employees of several ministries, Statistics and Archives protest

The UPOZ trade union will hold a press conference today to present the details of the start of the protests in the ministries, the State Statistical Office and the State Archives. Starting today, protests will take place in at least four ministries - Economy and Labor, Justice, Administration and Environment.

As previously announced by Trpe Deanoski, president of the UPOZ Union, the protests will last for half an hour, from 11.30:XNUMX a.m. to noon, that is, during their break, and the employees will be in front of the buildings of their ministries.

The decision to strike and protest by employees in several state institutions and ministries is a consequence of the fact that the Ministry of Finance did not approve a 30 percent salary increase, that is, it did not endorse their collective agreements, which are tied to the payment of this increase.

The UPOZ claims that employees in these ministries are discriminated against in relation to their colleagues from the Government General Affairs Service, the General Secretariat, part of the Health, Education and Finance departments who have already received that allowance.

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