A vehicle mowed down several people who were paying their respects to the dead in Novi Sad

Photo: N1

In Belgrade's Uzun Mirkova street, an incident occurred today during the fifteen-minute action "Stop for Serbia", in which citizens paid respect to the victims in Novi Sad. Namely, the car hit a group of participants who were standing on the pedestrian crossing. According to eyewitnesses, the car was driven by a 60-year-old man, who knocked down six people at full throttle. The injured were immediately transported to the hospital by ambulance.

"We stopped at the pedestrian crossing, independently of the students. A vehicle driven by an elderly man came from the direction of the Student Square. Since he could not pass, he hit several people who were on the pedestrian crossing, said an eyewitness

"It was a terrible scene, people were seriously injured. The injured person probably has a broken arm, and I don't know about the others. They were taken away in an ambulance. This is terrible," said the eyewitness.

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