Gang war in Mexico, bodies of four men found near Cancun

Police in Mexico/Photo: EPA-EFE/Jose Luis de la Cruz

Mexican police said today they found the bodies of four men, including a police officer, near a resort south of Cancun on the Caribbean Sea.

All the victims were apparently shot in the head, and the bodies were found yesterday near the highway leading to Cancun, said Luis Rodriguez Bucio, assistant chief of Mexico's Department of Public Security, reports AP.

A former Cancun police officer was found at the scene going through the pockets of one of the dead and said the dead man was his friend.

Police said he was taken into custody.

Among the victims is a police officer from Cancun who was accused of accepting bribes to protect the brothels, but still remained in the police force and was on sick leave.

Authorities said the victims may have been involved in providing protection to migrant smugglers.

Drug cartels in Mexico often kill rivals to protect their territories or businesses.

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