photo: EPA-EFE

VIDEO: Building collapses in Turkey, at least five trapped under rubble

At least five people were buried under the rubble when a four-story building collapsed in Turkey today, Turkish authorities said.

The cause of the building collapse in the city of Konya, located about 260 kilometers southeast of the capital Ankara, is not yet known, the AP reported.

Two people were pulled from the rubble with injuries, the private DHA news agency reported.

Konya Governor Ibrahim Akin said five members of a family were likely still trapped in the building.

The emergency response team sent to the scene of the accident used special listening devices to locate possible survivors, the DHA added.

21 years ago, a 12-story apartment building collapsed in Konya, killing 92 people and injuring about 30 others.

Structural deficiencies and neglect were blamed for the collapse at the time, Tanjug reports.

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