In Saudi Arabia, one execution of convicts is carried out almost every day

Execution / Photo: Michele Molinari / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

The number of executions in Saudi Arabia in 2024 exceeded 300, updated data from the Saudi Ministry of Interior showed today. world media.

According to the announcement, four people convicted of crimes of public danger were executed, bringing the total number of executions since the beginning of the year to 303.

In 2023, Saudi Arabia carried out 170 executions, according to the NGO Amnesty International, which has been tracking executions since 1990 in the wealthy Gulf monarchy known for its strict implementation of Islamic law.

The same data show that in 2023, Saudi Arabia was in third place in the world in terms of the number of executions, behind China and Iran.

The previous record number of executions in one year in the kingdom was 196 in 2022 and 192 in 1995, according to Amnesty International.

Taha al-Haji, director of the legal program at the Berlin-based European Saudi Organization for Human Rights, called the 2024 executions "incomprehensible and inexplicable", condemning the "speed" with which they were carried out

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