Protests continue in India due to crimes against women

Thousands of women protested last night in several Indian cities due to the rape and murder of a female doctor, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed for punishment for crimes against women.

Women protested with candles and banners in Calcutta, where the rape and murder of the doctor caused protests by doctors, who demanded better and safer working conditions.

Doctors in government hospitals in India went on strike on August 12 to protest the rape and murder of a female doctor.

The body of the 31-year-old doctor was found on August 9 at the state hospital in Calcutta, in the Indian state of West Bengal. An autopsy confirmed that she was raped and murdered. Police arrested a man who worked at the same hospital as the victim. He provided assistance to patients in the waiting rooms.

Sexual violence against women is widespread in India. In the country with 1,4 billion people, in 2022, almost 90 rapes were reported daily.

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