Photo: Free Press Archive

VMRO-DPMNE: With the departure of SDS and DUI, the disastrous policies in education have ended

"Education is a pillar of social development, major changes have begun for a higher quality education system. With the departure of SDS and DUI from power, the disastrous policies have ended, due to which the number of students has decreased by 7 thousand in the past 17 years, and 2,5 thousand young people with academic education have emigrated from the country every year. The manipulations with teachers, pupils and students have ended, the time of opening private faculties for personal and party interests has ended. The use of ministerial offices as football and basketball playgrounds, instead of for solving problems and creating strategies for better education, has ended," VMRO-DPMNE reacted at the SDSM press conference.

"For the VMRO-DPMNE-led government, education is a top priority and a pillar of social development. With the largest budget ever of almost 40 billion denars, this year the focus is on improving all aspects of the education system. The major changes that citizens expect have begun."

The concern for the standard of education of pupils and students has clearly increased. Young people express satisfaction that they are included in the creation of policies that affect them and that their needs and demands are being met. The funds allocated for them have been increased by 500 million denars.

Conditions in schools, sports facilities, student and dormitories are improving. The Ministry of Education and Science is currently implementing about 40 major infrastructure investments. A phased reconstruction of state student dormitories has begun. SDS failed to build the "student cities" that they always promised during the election campaign. They had no money for young people, but they had money for personal luxury.

Legislation is changing for more and better opportunities for all citizens, and the public is actively participating in the process.

Teachers are gaining economic security. A long-term agreement has been reached for a phased increase in teachers' salaries and it is already being implemented. We foresee an increase of 46 to 60%, depending on the level of inflation. Real salary growth, not like during the SDS and DUI era when inflation was twice as high as the percentage allocated for teachers.

"Education in Macedonia will have a better future than the present in which it finds itself due to the disastrous policies of SDS and DUI. Our children have the right to quality education and the Government led by VMRO-DPMNE will enable them to develop like their European peers," VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement.

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