Today, the government decided to borrow a new 500 million euros from Hungary, all of which will go to the repayment of the Eurobond.

Hristijan Mickoski and Viktor Orban / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said in MRT's "Open Studio" on the topic of "Budget 2025" that today's government session passed a new borrowing of 500 million euros from Hungary, which will be used to pay off the Eurobond taken by the previous government.

"Today, after long and hard negotiations, the second part of the Hungarian loan, the second 500 million euros, was passed at the government session. Before the elections, we talked about one billion, when we secured the first 500 million, we were accused that it was only 500, where are the others, and we shouted: be patient, we don't want to spend this second half from now on, because we will have to pay interest. We will close this deal when it is necessary, and that is now, because on January 25 the Eurobond that was taken in 2018 by the previous government expires and 500 million euros are needed to return that Eurobond," Mickoski said.

The Prime Minister says that if we were to come out today with our credit rating and if we compare countries with a much better credit rating, which take a Eurobond with an interest rate of 5%, then we cannot expect a Eurobond lower than 6%, and now we get a loan of 3,25, 2,75%, which is XNUMX% more favorable.

"On 500 million euros when you put all this, the term of 15 years, that is a saving of 200 million euros. We will take on debt to get out of debt, that is, future governments and generations will not have a Eurobond to pay back," Mickoski said, without stating that future governments and generations will pay back the Hungarian loan in the same way.

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