VIDEO INTERVIEW | Valjon Salihu and Jana Ivanova: "Navigator" - an online game that will educate society about human rights

Valjon Salihu - "Yuro House" and Jana Ivanova - Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers

On the occasion of the International Day of Human Rights, "Europe House" aims to draw the attention of the domestic public and responsible institutions to the conditions of respect for human rights such as universal principles and values ​​in the world, but also in the country. Exactly one of our ideas how to do this in the easiest and most accessible way in society and to reach all target groups - from the youngest to the elderly - we decided on an innovative approach through a game, that is, an interactive quiz. In this way, the participants can enrich their knowledge about topics related to human rights. Among other things, they emphasized this Valyon Salihu, the media representative of "Europe House" and Jana Ivanova from the Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers.

- "Europe House" this year is doing activities generally for young people for the society. This year we decided to celebrate the International Human Rights Day a little differently and we came up with an idea as to educate the youth and the general public and at the same time it should be in an entertaining way. The idea was to make a little game, which apart from the educational and fun part, there is also a part with rewards. The game ce called "Navigator" which through an interactive approach with questions and answers about human rights ce they learn the basic postulates for this field - says Salihu.

On the other hand, Jana Ivanova, a lawyer from MZMP, says that this year ce mark 76 years since the universal declaration of human rights was signed by the General Assembly of the United Nations and since then a lot has changed when it comes to respects, principles and norms for human rights in the world.

-MZMP since its creation, that is, 21 years ago, until now, has been specifically dealing with the support and support of human rights, from various fields of law, and we have not actually done that competent with "Europe House" to accept the cooperation offer and create a certain database of questions that will be answered in the game for the players. My colleagues who have expertise in specific legal fields have taken on their roles and we've created that in-game database. We saw the "Navigator" through the avatar "Navi" guide the players and impart knowledge to them through nine planets that deal with topics such as health, the environment, children's rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, discrimination, human trafficking, consumer protection, asylum and migrations, as well as protection of personal data - says Ivanova.

As explained by Salihu and Ivanova, players who score at least 60 points will qualify for the main prize draw, which will be an IT voucher worth up to 60.000 denars, as well as additional prizes provided by the Delegation of the European Union, the United Nations and the embassies of the countries - members of the EU.

The draw will be held on December 25, 2024, at 12.00:XNUMX p.m. with a transparent and anonymous process, the guests drew and the announced game can be viewed on the following link.




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