VIDEO INTERVIEW | Stefan Klingelhofer, professor from Germany: "Import" our experiences in education

Stefan Klingehofer / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

A dual university education is a good formula for success. It is important for companies to provide highly qualified and educated staff on time, it is good for students that they also provide certain income during their studies, says the professor who also teaches in Skopje

Dual education in secondary schools is already widespread in Macedonia, but the same formula is proposed for the highly educated staff. Such a system exists in Germany, and Macedonia is trying to "import" it through the German faculty "Heidelberg" from Skopje. Simultaneous work in a company and academic education is a winning combination, Stefan Klingelhofer, a university professor from Germany, who teaches at the local faculty, says in the conversation on the morning show of "Sloboden Pechat".

- I am not an expert on education and the educational system in Macedonia, but I can offer you some experiences from Germany. I think that in Germany we have a very good system of education and training. We also have our problems... We are trying to import the German system through the Heidelberg Faculty in Skopje, which is essentially dual education. It is essential to simultaneously work in companies and academic education and combine it all. I don't know how many contracts he has with companies, but I do know that there are 10 students who are currently interviewing for employment with Heidelberg's dual partners.

He says that not all faculties in Germany work according to the dual system.

– Something that is positive about the dual system is that it is partially paid for by the dual partners, ie. the companies where the students work - says Klingelhofer.



Klingelhofer says Germany is suffering from demographic change.

- We lack a workforce of young, educated staff. The profile that is now missing the most are digitalization, IT, computer science experts. Outsourcing and working with experts in Macedonia is something that is already being done - says the professor.

Stefan Klingehofer / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

He explains that now in Germany there are big discussions about nomadic working – how much workers should work from an office and how much they can work from anywhere.

Regarding education and its application in all spheres, Klingelhofer highlights the importance of digitalization.

- I think there are great opportunities for both Macedonia and Germany to digitize and make all processes more efficient and faster. Take for example the work of a professor. Artificial intelligence can help a lot in preparing a lesson, which means that I will spend less time preparing content and concentrate more on dialogue with students - explains the professor.

When asked by a journalist why productivity is low in Macedonia, and when our workers go to Germany then they fit into the system, Klingelhofer says that the blame cannot be sought in the workers.

– I can only speculate on this matter. But if the same people are not productive here and are productive elsewhere, it cannot be people's problem. So, if it's not a problem of people, then it's a problem of the organization, the processes, the framework, I don't know and I can't say anything about it, but the truth is that the problem is not in people - concludes Klingelhofer.

Watch the entire VIDEO INTERVIEW below:

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