VIDEO INTERVIEW | Pisarev: The robot doll will not solve the problem, but it will warn about fake news

Artists from the Center for Contemporary Arts have created a robot doll whose purpose and task is to warn the population about how to recognize fake news. This mobile art installation is placed in frequent locations throughout Skopje, and people react interestingly at the first meeting. Children are curious, adults listen carefully, especially to the part when he talks about online theft. Young people, despite the fact that they partially know these facts, continue to listen to her and are interested in learning more, he says "Free press" the artist Nikola Pisarev.

– As artists, we always want to present certain social problems to the general public through art. We thought that fake news is common in our country, causes serious problems and has a great impact. Colleague Ozbek Awaiz remembered the doll as an idea, and we all contributed to the final look. This puppet is not omnipotent, it will not solve the problem of fake news, but it will influence public opinion. It is enough to influence 500 pensioners to learn not to believe everything they read and we are already successful - says Pisarev.

The puppet addresses the audience through a megaphone, talks about what fake news is, explains why it is created and gives them guidance on how to recognize it.

- Don't just read the headline, which is usually sensationalistic, read the whole article, compare the news with other media, make sure you are getting information from a reliable media - says the doll.

The purpose of this art installation is, above all, education of the older population, explains Pisarev.

Watch the entire video below:





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