VIDEO INTERVIEW | Milovan Jovanovic: A second life for the Islamic State in Syria is possible

The capture of Syria's second-largest city, Aleppo, by paramilitary militias backed by the country's opposition came just days after a ceasefire agreement was signed between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. For now, it is not known exactly what are the exact reasons for the operations against Bashar al-Assad's regime, but all this suggests that there may be a revival of the Islamic State. Whether some of her cells will be fully restored, to what size and what strength she can grow, it is still too early to predict, however, we have to see how the situation will unfold in the following period, says the Serbian journalist and political commentator. Milovan Jovanovic.

- The military intervention of the opposition militias in Syria was preceded by several factors that hinted at the rebellion. The poor socio-political situation in the country was one of them. As of 2017 in Syria, it seemed that Bashar al-Assad had done his job and that he was the absolute leader of the country after the Islamic State was defeated with the help and support of Russia and Iran, where he managed to maintain his power. Then, the agreement between Putin and Erdogan followed. From then until now nothing has happened or hinted in the country that this could happen. However, the weak economic position of the government, the bad life of the citizens are one of the reasons why there was a military rebellion against Assad - explains Jovanovic.

Jovanovic points out that the war in Ukraine, as well as other situations in the world where Russian interests are threatened, currently does not allow Moscow to provide support to Assad, which opens a series of dilemmas where and how the last military conflict in the country will take place.

– Iran through Hezbollah, which has traditionally good ties with the authorities in Syria, is also in an unenviable position considering the conflict with Israel and the beheading of the militant group by Israeli military forces. All this suggests that Assad's allies will not be able to protect him as they did in 2015, 2016 and 2017. And without the support of Iran and Russia, Assad would have been removed from power in the country - summarizes Jovanovic and adds that the attack in Syria could not have happened without the prior knowledge and support of Turkey and other major powers.

More from the conversation with Serbian journalist and analyst Jovanovic in the video below.

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