VIDEO INTERVIEW | The man of the year missed his wife's jubilee birthday due to a fire

Free Press / Stojanche Angelov - CMC / Photo - Metodi Zdraev /
Free Press / Stojanche Angelov - CMC / Photo - Metodi Zdraev /

It is found wherever there are fires, but it also appears where there is snow. Last year he chased bears in Tetovsko, rescued mountaineers who fell on Vodno. In the meantime, he is a politician, but also the head of the Crisis Management Center. Recently, he is also "man of the year" for 2024. It is all one man, the director of CMC, Stojanche Angelov. In the morning show Free Press he says that the last award is one of the most difficult for him so far. In his career, he mostly talked about politics, the 2001 war, inter-ethnic relations, and reconciliation. After being the director of the Center for Crisis Management, he talks about crisis management, about fires, floods, bears, saving people.

– I have never spoken about a cultural topic, such as the election of the man of the year, which in my opinion is just a fun event, but which has its own social value. Our society suffers from kitsch, from bad taste, something that we can meet at every step. That's why I welcome this event, and the award is very dear to me, although to be honest, I didn't even know that I was nominated - says Angelov.

He says that they called him two days before the election and he received information that he was nominated.

- What I could see in the Macedonian Opera and Ballet, where the event was held, was really impressive. I did not expect to receive any award, because some of the younger ones deserve more, they are more popular, more active on social networks. But this is not a miss pageant, men are not chosen based on beauty, which may not be my strongest trait. The man of the year is chosen according to social values ​​and achievements in different categories - says Angelov.

Stojanche Angelov was a defense attorney in 2001. Then he founded the "Dignity" party. Now he is the director of CMC, father, husband, and now man of the year. We asked him where he is most successful? He says that success is a debatable category, it depends on which angle you look at it.

-For me, the most important thing is the family, the most important are my children and my wife, I am dedicated as much as possible, because, unfortunately, my work also requires sacrifice. This summer, my wife and children and I went on vacation to Greece, on the Ionian Sea. On the second day of vacation, the fire started on Serta, and I had to stop it, and after two or three days, my wife celebrated her 50th birthday. I was not with her at the anniversary birthday. I went back in the evening and in the morning I was already at Serta - says Angelov.

He explains that in his work there are no non-working days, accidents happen on holidays and weekends.

When asked how an unsuspecting mathematics professor ended up in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Angelov says that mathematics was his first love and he was supposed to enroll at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, but on the day he was supposed to take the entrance exam, he was called to Batajnica for pilot tests.

- I also helped my children with mathematics, but there is one problem, I shout a lot when I explain, it's incomprehensible to me, I understand, it's clear to me, they don't understand. But they are good, they understand mathematics. Now they are both boycotting me as a math teacher, but when they were younger they had no choice and had to listen to me - says Angelov.

He says about himself that he was an active karate player, competed, worked as an assistant coach, became part of a special unit. He still works out actively at 52, despite having 50 shrapnel in his body and missing part of a lung.

– I get up between 5 and 6 in the morning, at 7.00:112 I start training, and I also work while exercising because my work is dynamic, not office-based. While I'm working out, I exchange messages with the employees, I follow the reports from XNUMX. I just fell in love with my work - says Angelov.

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