VIDEO INTERVIEW | Madzovski: We roar when Sonja, Bela or Chaka roar

White lions/ photo: Dragan Mitreski/Sloboden Pechat

What is your favorite animal from the Zoo - Skopje? Do you know its name, how old it is, which country it comes from and when that species was first brought to us? Our Zoo has existed since 1926 and over the years it has developed spatially, and the number of animals has also grown. Today, when you visit the Zoo, you can get to know hundreds of different animals, and each of them hides a special destiny.
Free Press through this series, which we called "ID card of the residents of ZOO Skopje", will try to bring you closer to their stories, their characters and feelings. We will try to let you know what they eat and what their favorite food is, you will learn something new and fun, related to your favorite cohabitants in the capital.

White lions are a rarity, out of about 300 individuals in the world, six live in the Skopje Zoo. Chaka and Bela are the first white lions in our country. From them two years ago we got the little lionesses Luna, Hana and Anna, who are beautiful lionesses today. Of them, Luna stands out the most as the most curious of them all. When we arrived, she was the first to come running to greet us and was constantly pacing restlessly back and forth while the other lions basked in the sunshine. They looked at us discreetly a few times, came to see us once and then were indifferent to us.

- Sonja is a five-year-old lioness, when she came to us she was very shy. But with a lot of love, effort and work, we managed to win her sympathy - he says "Free Press" ZOO – caretaker Aleksandar Madzovski.

As a child, Madzovski lived near the Zoo and was a regular visitor. He has always loved animals, and his frequent association with them gave rise to his desire to one day work with them. His wish came true! He is a dedicated carer, who revealed to us some of the secrets of the beautiful graceful lions.

- You see that Chaka is lazy now because he just had his meal, otherwise he is a real mannequin to us, he is not static at all, on the contrary, he plays a lot, he is mobile - explains Madzovski.

He says that the time spent with them is very interesting, they are full of surprises, and the most interesting thing is when they roar.

– When one of the lions roars, it is heard 8 kilometers away, and imagine, we hear it close to them. I rip from the condors - Madzovski adds with a laugh - But sometimes we shout along with them and that way they feel that we are part of their pack - he said.

Watch the entire video about white lions below:

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