VIDEO INTERVIEW | Cosmonautko: I shudder when I remember how the "Nightingales" accepted children with disabilities

Free press - Denis Jankulovski - Kosmunautko / Photo - Zdravev Metodi
Free press - Denis Jankulovski - Kosmunautko / Photo - Zdravev Metodi

The song "Gush i Bac" by the singer Natascha Krstevska Miata, who was joined by the activist Denis Jankulovski - Kosmonautko and the golden nightingales, was promoted for the first time on the big stage of the "Golden Nightingale" festival. Children with atypical development appeared on stage with the artists and sent a strong message, as the text of this inclusive song speaks.

"You with love, I am love, no wonder, no wonder, that we, we love them all!"

Jankulovski for Free Press tells about how this meeting was very emotional, everyone was happy to share the stage, and she even shed a tear.

- We adults were guests of these children, the feeling on the stage cannot be described. There were so many emotions, with minutes of standing ovations from the audience, we just had tears of joy - says Jankulovski.

This "nightingale song," as he calls it, is part of a campaign to raise awareness about embracing diversity.

- I shudder when I remember how the children from Golden Nightingale accepted the children with disabilities. When they went on stage, each child kept one to two children with atypical development. It showed that children accept everyone regardless of differences. We adults are the ones who judge and discriminate - says Kosmonautko.

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