Bojan Kordalov / Photo: Free Press / Dragan Mitreski

VIDEO INTERVIEW | Kordalov: The change in fact-checking policies on social networks does not mean censorship of democracy

Meta is a company that adapts its strategies to users on a global level, with the aim of course being in its favor. However, regulators, institutions in the US, naturally in the EU, but also in our country, are the ones who ensure that each of us has our personal privacy protected on these platforms and on the Internet. However, the change in fact-checking policies on social networks, which has entered into force and is valid only in the US, does not currently affect Macedonian society and means that there is censorship of democracy, says the communicator Bojan Kordalov.

– We must not allow in all the cacophony of what will ce is happening and what will be Meta's strategy for fact-checking, i.e. as this platform will ce deals with disinformation, to remain unprepared, that is, in the world of digitalization in which we swim as individuals to remain unprepared. This is not a problem that is new and has been going on for a year, but rather this is a process through which we as country more than 20 years we are part of the digitalization of society or more than 17 years We are part of the world of social media. So a 17-year-old child should already know how to swim well and ride a bike well, so I think we should no longer have excuses for why we make so many mistakes in the internet space – Kordalov points out.

Communicator and social media and media expert Kordalov, commenting on the series of policy changes on Facebook and Instagram that will significantly reduce the level of content moderation on these platforms, says that this should not have an impact on people if society is educated about the changes in a timely manner and what their consequences would be.

– It does not depend on “fact checking” or other mechanisms whether there will be censorship of content on social networks and media. On the contrary, it depends on whether the system will be protected, that is, whether the will of the people will be protected. Until yesterday there were no fact checks, today everything, and tomorrow it may be something even bigger than fact-checking. However, the most important thing is that the will of the people is not abused. No one can and must not play with them – Kordalov assesses.

More from the conversation with Bojan Kordalov on this topic in the video above.

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