VIDEO INTERVIEW | Jenur Iseni: DUI is more terrible in opposition than in hell

Iseini Photo: Sloboden press/Metodi Zdravev

The blacklist released by the State Department delimits any narrative that DUI was trying to push to the public. Especially with the recent activities with the tents set up in front of the Constitutional Court, where they present themselves as "guardians of the language", says political scientist Jenur Iseni

Although we all know that it is an open secret what is happening in our country with corruption and that the citizens trust the judicial system very little, we expect the "mud", that is, the State Department to open our eyes. The blacklisting of Artan Grubi and Enver Begeti is a clear indication of what happened in the past and a very good example for the current politicians who are now in power how they should not act while in power and how they should not get "drunk" from office what they are doing, says political scientist Jenur Iseni.

In the morning program of Sloboden Pechat, Iseni pointed out that this was a big blow to the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI).

- I think that with this blow and with disturbed relations with the largest Macedonian political parties, with VMRO-DPMNE and with SDSM, it will be very difficult for them in the upcoming local elections. We know that in the largest municipalities, in Gostivar, Chair, Tetovo, Kichevo, you cannot win if you do not have a coalition with a Macedonian party. The blacklist released by the State Department delimits any narrative that DUI was trying to push to the public. Especially with the recent activities with the tents placed in front of the Constitutional Court, where they are represent as "guardians of the language" - adds Iseni.

He believes that DUI deceives the public with the falsehood that the Constitutional Court intends to abolish the Albanian language, even though it is a matter of reviewing the constitutionality of the Law on the Use of Languages.

- They are trying to create tension and a problem, but in fact there is no problem. Because information has appeared that the Constitutional Court will consider it, but will not repeal the Law. DUI is trying to capitalize on problems of their own making. The law on languages, which was supposed to be a step forward in improving inter-ethnic relations in our society, has become a source of division due to the anomalies contained in this law. When the law was passed, it was Bujar Osmani who took it to the Venice Commission, from there there were remarks about three key articles of the Law, and then Osmani said that they would harmonize those remarks. And now he is protesting against it - the political scientist is decisive.

Autumn regretfully analyzes the events of two weeks ago, which happened during the commemoration of the Day of the Albanian Flag.

- I am very sorry that in our society there is fertile ground for nationalism, but when you see which people are in custody for those events, you will see that all of them are under 18 years old. It was a very unpleasant scene, regardless of whether the national flag or the Albanian flag was burned. It is a disaster that we are still discussing such problems and such unfortunate events. I followed the press conference of the Vlen coalition, where photos of those involved in the incidents were shown as close people of Artan Grubi, as close to DUI structures, but this will have to be investigated by the law enforcement authorities.

He believes that the main source of tensions in Macedonia is the fact that DUI is in opposition.

- It is sad to see how DUI cannot come to terms with being the opposition. When I see what they are trying to do, I think that their place in the opposition is harder than being in hell itself. The myth was created that DUI will be in power for life. The myth was created that any Albanian party that wants to come to power will have to do it through DUI - he says.

Iseni believes that the ruling coalition works stably and that it will continue to form the majority in the parliament without major problems. He hopes that the fight against corruption and organized crime will intensify and that the citizens will get the justice they deserve.

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