VIDEO INTERVIEW | Gentleman Zika and Tahama are the new love couple from the Zoo
What is your favorite animal from the Zoo - Skopje? Do you know its name, how old it is, which country it comes from and when that species was first brought to us? Our Zoo has existed since 1926 and over the years it has developed spatially, and the number of animals has also grown. Today, when you visit the Zoo, you can get to know hundreds of different animals, and each of them hides a special destiny.
Free Press, through this series, which we called "ID card of the residents of ZOO Skopje", will try to bring you closer to their stories, their characters and feelings. We will try to enable you to find out what they eat and what is their favorite food, you will learn something new and fun, related to the favorite cohabitants of the capital.
The nature of lions is such that they need company, they like to live in a pack. Our Zika, the golden lion from the Zoo in Skopje from Belgrade arrived in 2011. He was only two years old then. A month ago, Zika met Tahama and quickly accepted the new "roommate" and life companion.
- I was very surprised when I gave them the first meal. Zika was almost taught to eat alone, I wondered how he would react and left it to chance. First I gave him some meat, he ate it, then I threw some more meat so that it would be Tahama's meal. Zika started to eat the piece, but at the same moment he remembered and gave it to his partner in a gentlemanly manner - he tells about Free Press ZOO keeper Aleksandar Madzovski.
As you might have guessed from the previous episode, the white and golden lions live in separate habitats. It is due to genetics, but it is interesting that our Zika contains a gene, due to which a white lion cub can emerge from its litter, explains Madzovski.
Watch the entire video below: