VIDEO INTERVIEW | Dohchev: The youngest patient with prostate cancer died at the age of 42
How many of the men regularly go for check-ups? How dangerous is prostate cancer? What other cancers occur in men? In November, the month of men's health, in the morning show "Sloboden Pechat" we talk with doctor Sasho Dohchev from the University Clinic for Urology.
According to official data, about 400.000 men get prostate cancer annually in Europe. Almost half of them end fatally. About seventy new cases are discovered annually in Macedonia.
– In the month of November, we urologists are very welcome guests to talk about men's health. But we should not wait for November, we should talk throughout the year. The official numbers are unfortunately high.
The number of patients increases every year.
We do not know the causes, but we must work on prevention because if cancer is detected in time, it can be treated. Whether it will be with surgery or with therapy, if it is discovered at an early stage, the curability is 96% percent - says Dohchev.
He explains that it is best to detect it at an early stage, so preventive examinations are recommended for all men over 40 years of age.
- Although it is an early age from my personal experience, I would say at least over 50 years old to start with a preventive examination.
Examinations are simple, so citizens should not be afraid to come for an examination. First anamnesis, laboratory analyzes of urine and blood, tumor marker PSA, echosonographic examination - says Dohchev.
He says that the urologist performs the most important examination, a digital-rectal examination where the prostate is examined rectally. The examination is inconvenient, but an experienced urologist can thus give the most accurate diagnosis.
- Every man should come for an examination once a year. If there are symptoms such as impaired urination, the patient should immediately call a doctor.
Other symptoms are frequent urination, interrupted stream, uncontrollable dribbling of urine. Benign diseases are more common - says Dohchev.
He explains that the number of operations on the prostate is increasing, almost every day there are operations in their department. The youngest patient who has already died from prostate cancer was 42 years old. The younger the patient, the more aggressive the cancer and the more likely it is to metastasize.
Testicular cancer also occurs in men. One of them is a highly cancerous so-called seminoma, and the others are non-seminoma cancers.
– If testicular cancer occurs, the testicle must be removed. I should mention here that all men who have an undescended testicle should be very careful. Those testicles that are undescended and remain deep in the body, inaccessible to palpation, very often develop cancer - says Dohchev.
He recommends parents to be especially careful with children, because by the age of two the testicles need to be surgically lowered into the scrotal sacs.
The whole thing VIDEO INTERVIEW watch it in the video above.