Dana Siljan, Tai Chi Chuan instructor - / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

VIDEO INTERVIEW | Dana Siljan, Tai Chi Chuan instructor: If we are wise, then we will know how to use freedom

In this episode of "Free Press " guest Dana Siljan - Tai Chi Chuan instructor and author of the book "The Ancient War with Stress". Her journey into the world of Eastern philosophy and martial arts begins at an early age, with gymnastics, with an interest in Eastern disciplines, and especially with Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong, as well as with Taoism and Buddhism, which quite by chance lead her to this interesting path.

- A friend of my brother told me that he was going to a tai chi chuan training at the Airport, and I asked him if I could come too? And that's how things started - says Siljan for "Sloboden Pechat".

Siljan is the founder of the "Fei Long" club and the Macedonian Wushu Federation. She has a master's degree in social work. In the beginning, Siljan faced all kinds of stigmas as she was a female martial arts trainer. But she proved that a woman can be a successful teacher, who leads a club and a federation.

As she says, over time the interest in these skills is increasing more and more.

- People need this sport because of the fast lifestyle and the lack of time to process all the experiences during the day - says the instructor.

At the first Wushu competition for Southeast European countries, held in Turkey in 2014, Siljan won a gold and a bronze medal.

As a coach, at the second Balkan Wushu competition in Greece, in 2015, she led the team to win two silver medals. In 2014, Dana Siljan received the "duan wei" master rank, which makes her the first certified teacher of tai chi chuan and qi gong in Macedonia.

This success places her at the top of the Macedonian stage of eastern martial arts and the icon of the culture of self-improvement.

- I think that for now I am unique in martial arts and sports, as a teacher who leads a club and a federation - says Siljan for "Sloboden Pechat"

Dana Taichi / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

The master's thesis in the subject of psychology, on the topic "Application of meditative techniques in coping with stress", becomes the basis for her book "The Ancient War with Stress", which presents her knowledge and experience in an accessible form for a wider readership.

Dana Siljan, Tai Chi Chuan instructor/ photo: private archive
Dana Siljan, Tai Chi Chuan instructor/ photo: private archive

She often collaborated with trainers from the USA and from neighboring Serbia, traveling to Belgrade for classes, and her persistence paid off by receiving the "duan wei" master rank, with which she officially became a teacher (sifu) of this ancient art, the first certified teacher. after these skills in our country.

Dana Siljan, Tai Chi Chuan instructor -/ Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Dragan Mitreski

Dana Siljan is a true example of how these skills can be integrated into modern society, helping not only personal development, but also collective well-being. As a strong woman in this sport, she added:

– If we are wise, then we will know how to use freedom. If we are both wise and free, then we will be authentic. This applies especially to women, who should try to break out of conventional life.

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