VIDEO INTERVIEW | Dr. Trajkova: In recent years there has been an "epidemic of cesarean section"

Free Press / Dr. Cornelia Trajkova - Gynecologist in Sistina / Photo - Metodi Zdraev
Free Press / Dr. Cornelia Trajkova - Gynecologist in Sistina / Photo - Metodi Zdraev

Can the expectant mother choose whether to bring her child into the world naturally or by caesarean section? How much and what is the role played by the gynecologist who manages the pregnancy? Can she indirectly determine the date on which her child will be born? This morning on this, but also on other topics that affect future mothers, in the morning show Free Press we are talking to gynecologist Dr. Cornelia Trajkova from the private hospital "Ajibadem-Sistina".

The first and surest sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation, says the doctor, but this applies only to women who have a regular menstrual cycle.

- However, there are patients who do not have regular menstrual cycles, this is where a little confusion arises regarding the confirmation of pregnancy. First and most simply, you should take a pregnancy test, which is available in all pharmacies. Then the same should be confirmed with a gynecological examination and a pregnancy test, which is done by simply taking blood from the woman - says Trajkova.

Next is an ultrasound examination, which is recommended to be done in the first or second week after it is determined that there is no cycle. Pregnancy lasts 40 gestational weeks or 10 lunar months, followed by childbirth.

-Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters and it is known exactly which examinations should be done. We have guidelines, which we respect and perform examinations on pregnant women based on those guidelines. It is usually recommended for women with their first pregnancy to have 10 examinations, and for multiparous women, i.e. second, third, fourth pregnancy and beyond, 7 examinations are considered sufficient. However, each review has different content. It does not mean that all those 10 examinations should be ultrasound examinations or laboratory analyzes should be done - says Trajkova.

She says that it is known exactly in which period of pregnancy, that is, at which examination, that everything should be covered.

- It is interesting that one of the most important examinations is the first contact with the patient's health worker when pregnancy is confirmed, when some things about the course of the pregnancy need to be explained in detail to the woman, about what to expect, which examinations to do and it is very important that we explain the purpose of each review. If the woman does not want to do it, she can refuse, sign that she does not want to do the examination - says Trajkova.

The doctor says that in the last 20 years we are increasingly facing a condition, the so-called "caesarean section epidemic".

- In a large percentage, the increase in the percentage of caesarean section is also due to the unpreparedness of the women in labor, and as a result, they request a caesarean section. Most of them think that it is easier. However, in a large percentage, the reasons are also in the advanced age of the mothers, there are more and more complicated, high-risk pregnancies, the result of bioassisted fertilization, of couples who struggled for many years, could not become parents - says Trajkova.

She explains that there are cases when it is a normal pregnancy, and the woman insists on a caesarean section. In that case, gynecologists are obliged to advise her, to explain to her what are the advantages of spontaneous delivery, what are the negatives of caesarean section. If the woman still insists on a caesarean section, the gynecologist should refer her to a psychologist or a psychiatrist for counseling.

- If that is also unsuccessful and the woman is still convinced that she should give birth by caesarean section and returns to the gynecologist again, he can accept or refer her to another gynecologist colleague who can perform a caesarean section. Women should not be afraid of vaginal, spontaneous or natural childbirth, in popular terms, they should be mentally prepared during pregnancy, that it is a very beautiful period for them, they should enjoy pregnancy as much as possible, and not they are afraid of spontaneous delivery, if there is no reason to give birth by caesarean section. On the other hand, if it has to be a caesarean section, they should not be afraid of that either, because that is another choice that allows getting a healthy baby from a healthy mother - says Trajkova.

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