VIDEO POLL: Who is the biggest air polluter?

Photo: Sloboden Pechat / printscreen

The problem that the citizens of Skopje have been struggling with for several years is polluted air. Free press, conducted a survey among citizens and asked them who is the biggest polluter and who should solve the problem and how.


– The biggest polluters are industrial facilities and factories. Although other information is presented to us, that households are the ones that pollute the most, I think that the normal traffic, the cars, also contribute - said one of the citizens.

People publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of promptness of the government and competent ministries that do not care about the health of the citizens.

- I think we should all protest, because this systemic poisoning has been going on for years. If we don't come out, nothing will change - said one of the activists at the protest, who called for massive action.

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