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VIDEO POLLING | Did the snow surprise you?

Snow whiteness enveloped Macedonia a few days ago. What was the reaction of the citizens to the snow, were they surprised, did the snowflakes cause joyful feelings among the citizens and did they allocate a budget this year that they will use for wintering in one of the Macedonian or regional ski centers? "Sloboden Pechat" asked the citizens if they were surprised by the snow. Opinions were divided, some of the citizens said that January is a month that is associated with snow, so they were not surprised, others wanted to spend every moment in the snow until it melted.

"Yes, it pleasantly surprised me. We're going to the park right now to see it a little more," said a young girl.

A large portion of the respondents were happy about the snow, especially because it would refresh and purify the air.

-Well, yes, it's nice, it will freshen up a bit and purify the air, we're suffocating with polluted air. It's nice, it's pleasant for walking – said a passerby.

When asked whether citizens have allocated part of their budget for winter vacations, we received positive answers. Some of them plan to spend the winter in one of the Macedonian ski centers, and some in the regional ones.

– We are going to spend the winter in Kruševo – said one of the respondents.

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