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VIDEO POLLING | Do you celebrate the feast of Epiphany?

January 19th is celebrated as one of the most important Christian holidays, Epiphany. On this day, priests traditionally throw a cross into a river, lake or pool, and people jump into them and try to catch the cross. We asked citizens whether they celebrate this holiday and whether they have participated in this tradition so far.

Almost all respondents knew that the feast of Epiphany is celebrated on this date, so we asked them if they knew the reason why people actually jump from the cross into the water.

The most common answers were "for health" and "for happiness", and some did not know the answer.

"I know they go into the water, but I don't know why," said one of the respondents.

Among those surveyed were people who had previously participated in this traditional event.

-Yes, I jumped on the cross when I was younger. That was about 40 years ago – said an older passerby.

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