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VIDEO: Train runs over two sisters in Serbia, they die on the spot

Two young women, sisters, died tonight on the railway near the Serbian town of Lapovo, in Šumadija, when they were hit by a train operating on the Zemun-Niš line.

The tragedy occurred at 17:40 p.m., at an unsecured railway crossing.

According to Serbian media reported that the victims of the accident, K.Zh. (32) and her sister N.Zh. (31) from Lapovo, were at the Association for Assistance to Persons with Disabilities "Zora" in the town, to socialize with other members.

As unofficially reported by the media, on the way back, one of the sisters dropped money on the tracks, so the two stopped to look for it. Then, without hearing or seeing it, the train ran over them.

According to the residents of Lapovo, that railway crossing is a "black spot" and more than 50 people have lost their lives there in the last 20 years.

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