Photo: Info Compass

VIDEO: Artist Zlatko Krstevski lives in poverty – without electricity in the cold, he draws on candles for a piece of bread

Krstevski is one of the most representative artists from Prilep, with 30 solo exhibitions in Macedonia and abroad and participation in over 700 international group exhibitions.

The famous artist from Prilep, Zlatko Krstevski, has been living without electricity for the past seven months because he cannot pay his debt of 12.000 denars. He spends the cold and winter sitting at home wearing hats and jackets, covered with blankets, reports the portal "Info compass".

Some of the windows in the home have no glass, and he has no money to change them. It often happens that he has nothing to eat for days. In these extremely difficult conditions lives the 55-year-old Krstevski, who is one of the most representative artists of Prilep, a true cultural ambassador of the city, with 30 solo exhibitions in Macedonia and abroad and participation in over 700 international group exhibitions.

"Unfortunately, there are no humanitarian organizations here, you have to ask Skopje, urge them, and someone here will give it to you," says Krstevski.

He is a multidisciplinary artist with contributions to painting, contemporary drawing, satire, caricature, postal art, and comics. He says that he sometimes has to draw by candlelight if he has an urgent order to earn a denari to survive.

"Before New Year's, one drawing for an exhibition, but literally by candlelight. Otherwise, I avoid it because these are flammable oil paints and if they come into contact with fire, a fire could break out," says Krstevski.

He calls on the state, socially responsible, public or private enterprises and companies to help art in our country by engaging artists and purchasing their works.

Watch the story of the difficult conditions in which the artist lives:

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