VIDEO | Prince William handed out lunch to the homeless: He was compared to his mother, Princess Diana

Photo: Instagram/princeandprincessofwales

Prince William showed his humane side during the festive season. On the official Instagram account that he shares with his wife, Princess Kate, a video was published in which William distributes lunch to the homeless.

The prince visited the foundation "The Passage" in London, and for this occasion he also put on a white apron. He distributed food to the homeless with a big smile, and later took pictures with some of them.

“A sincere thank you to all the volunteers at The Passage who work tirelessly to support the homeless, especially during the festive season. Things like this give hope and create a sense of community for those who need it most," reads the Instagram description.

The video received almost 69 thousand likes in a short period of time. Soon, the comments of the fans started, who, in addition to William's beard, also praised his selflessness.

"He will be the best king this country has ever seen", "It's natural for him to serve the community", "I like how present he is when he talks to others", "The UK is lucky to have him as a prince", all part of the comments.

"He inherited that from Princess Diana," "We're sure your late mother is proud of you," "He's following in his mother's footsteps. She taught him that not everyone is as lucky as he is," commented others, remembering the late Princess Diana.

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