VIDEO: A half-naked Russian man beats police officers in a famous Thai resort

Photo: Printscreen

In a shocking video posted on the X platform, a Russian tourist in his underwear was filmed fighting with police officers in Thailand.

According to some media, a tourist got into a fight in the popular Thai resort of Phuket. The video shows a man, dressed only in boxers, walking down a quiet shopping street, with a woman and children next to him - who appear to be with the man - while one child cries uncontrollably.

Chaos then ensues when the man starts attacking the police. A group of policemen try to restrain him, but the man overpowers them. He continues to fistfight with the officers while raising his legs in the air as if trying to intimidate them. He suddenly throws himself at the policemen, and once tried to grab a police baton.

They struggle to overpower him, and one desperate policeman even tries to jump on his back before being thrown to the floor by the Russian.

Dramatically, he then begins to run at a fast pace towards the policeman who stops, but manages to escape in the other direction.

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